Individualized Graduate Program


The Individualized Graduate Program (IGP) allows prospective graduate students the opportunity to design a graduate program that meets specific interests. An IGP may be oriented toward professional goals, unique scholarly pursuits or a concentration in a traditional academic area.

Students interested in the IGP do not apply online but submit all application materials to the Dean of Graduate Studies.  The first step in the pursuit of an IGP is to contact the Dean of Graduate Studies ( to discuss the feasibility of an IGP, the program goals and the selection of an appropriate adviser. Students interested in the IGP apply online and submit supporting documents to the Dean of Graduate Studies.

In all cases, an IGP is designed from appropriate graduate level coursework. Most IGP programs are cross-disciplinary and draw on courses in several departments and across several Schools.

Individualized Graduate Program (IGP) Requirements

  • Completed application for admission to graduate study accompanied by a non-   refundable application fee;
  • Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate records;
  • Copy of teaching certificate (when applicable);
  • Official report of scores on the Graduate Record Examination Aptitude Test or the Miller Analogies Test (see departmental program requirements for specific details  and;
  • Three recommendations attesting to the candidate's potential to do graduate work.
  • An interview may be required.
  • Applications must be completed within one year.  After that time prospective students will need to reapply or update their application. 
  • To be accepted as a graduate degree candidate, applicants are expected to have attained an average of B overall (3.00 on a 4.00 scale) in their undergraduate work.  The IGP committee may also consider the undergraduate G.P.A. in the candidate's undergraduate major or coursework related to the prospective program. Applicants with undergraduate averages below this level, but not less than 2.00, may be admitted to degree candidacy upon the submission of other evidence of academic potential, i.e., satisfactory performance in post-baccalaureate work, professional experience as evidenced by publications or letters of recommendation, and/or high scores in the standardized tests referred to above.
  • Title of the proposed program.
  • A 3-4 page essay presenting the scholarly value and educational objectives of the proposed program and the inability of any current graduate programs to fulfill these objectives. The essay should also include a discussion of how the educational objectives and the student’s professional goals will be realized by the individual courses in the Plan of Study. Finally, the essay must address the required capstone experience, such as a Master’s thesis, project or performance.
  • A Plan of Study which must include the graduate level courses and signatures of the Adviser, the chair(s) of the departments offering courses, the deans of the appropriate schools. An IGP plan of study should consist of:
    a. A minimum of 30 hours of coursework for an Individualized Master’s degree (60 for ICAGS) taken for graduate credit. No more than 9 hours may be in 400-level courses. 
    b. The 30-hour coursework requirement may be satisfied by a combination of: (1) a minimum of 24-hours of existing courses and seminars at the 400/500/600-level; (2) directed study or readings at the 500/600-level (maximum of 6 semester hours). 

IGP proposals and application materials should be submitted to the Dean at least one month prior to the beginning of the semester. There is no option for provisional admission for an IGP.

The proposal is reviewed by an IGP committee convened by the Graduate Dean. Final approval of proposals shall be given according to policies established by the IGP Committee. The Committee is responsible for assuring that the proposal contains a coherent plan of study with courses clearly related to the future goals of the student and consistent with the mission of the College. The Chair of the IGP Committee will forward recommendations and approved Plans of Study to the Dean of the appropriate school who will inform the candidates regarding acceptance to candidacy.  When a proposal or Plan of Study is not accepted, a statement of the reasons shall be communicated to the student and to the Adviser(s) with suggestions for revisions.